
Every Sunday from 3pm

Sunday Meeting

Gathering to hear and apply God's Word together

We’re meeting at Grace Church Brighton, Richmond Parade, Brighton, BN2 9AA. (We do not own the building but rent it for use on Sundays.)

There is free parking nearby. Please see our welcomer at the door for a voucher.

3pm – Prayer Meeting

An opportunity to speak to God together and ask for his help. Childcare provided by DBS checked workers.

4pm – Worship Gathering

Everyone is invited! This is our main weekly time of worshipping God together through singing, receiving the Lord’s Supper, praying, and hearing teaching from the Bible. We have a creche and a kids group running led by DBS checked workers.

5.15pm – Tea & Toast

Join us after the gathering for an opportunity to connect with each other over food.

6–7pm – Sunday Extra

A chance to grow deeper in relationship with Jesus and understand how to live as a Christian, through small group teaching and discussion.